Tangible Personal Property ("Gifts-in-Kind")

Tangible Personal Property ("Gifts-in-Kind")

Did you know that valuable antiques, 邮票及钱币收藏, 艺术作品, 汽车, 船, and other personal property can be used to support UNH? Your treasures can make suitable charitable 礼物s today or after your lifetime. The financial benefits of the 礼物 depend on whether UNH can use the property* in a way that is related to UNH's students, 倡议, and programs without significant expense to the university. Please consult your tax advisor about income tax charitable deductions and requirements for filing with the IRS.

*Appraisals of personal property need to be independent from the University, and the cost of an appraisal is the donor’s responsibility. 

There are several ways to make a 礼物 of personal property to UNH

直接的礼物. This allows you to benefit UNH today and receive a federal income tax charitable deduction when/if you itemize. 

遗嘱或信托中的礼物. You can leave a legacy at UNH by donating your treasures to us through your will or living trust. A benefit of donating property through your will is that it gives you flexibility to change your mind at any time.

天赋异禀Create an endowment or contribute to one that is already established to ensure that your support of UNH will last forever.

慈善信托基金. You may be able to contribute 有形个人财产 to a charitable remainder trust. If you or a family member is an income beneficiary, you could receive a federal income tax charitable deduction when the property is sold. An additional contribution of cash or appreciated securities is recommended to cover expenses until the 有形个人财产 is sold.

捐助者建议的基金. Gifts to donor advised funds are not limited to cash and securities. Tangible personal property such as valuable antiques, 邮票及钱币收藏, 艺术作品, 汽车 and 船 may be eligible to be 礼物ed and sold to benefit your fund. Please consult your investment professional for more information.

Students sitting and talking on the green outside of Thompson Hall

Please use the legal information below and share with your trusted advisors.

Legal Name: The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 Foundation, Inc.
Address: 9 Edgewood Road, Durham NH 03824

*法律和道德要求, 目的是保护捐赠者, 大学和联合国儿童基金会, prohibit the University from appraising most 礼物s. Such appraisals are to be conducted by appraisers independent from the University. The cost of an appraisal will be the donor’s responsibility. Proposed 礼物s must be evaluated by the University and the Foundation to determine whether the restrictions associated with receiving the 礼物 can be prudently accommodated by the University.


  1. Contact UNH's Office of 礼物规划 我们可以谈谈你的天赋 有形个人财产 以及联合国大学是否/如何使用它.
  2. ​Discuss the giving options with your personal advisors to be sure the 礼物 vehicle you choose is the right fit for you.
  3. 请让我们知道 if you have made this 礼物 to UNH in your estate plans, and we would be happy to recognize you in our 汤普森的社会, a special community of forward-thinking UNH alumni and friends who have created their legacy here. It is important to complete simple documentation with UNH to ensure we honor your wishes down the line.

Please feel free to share the sample bequest language below with your attorney:

样的语言 “I give to the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 Foundation, Inc.,位于新罕布什尔州达勒姆埃奇伍德路9号03824, a New Hampshire nonprofit corporation, 或者它的继承者, Federal Tax Identification Number 02‐0437506, [insert here a description of the particular property]."



Please contact the UNH Office of 礼物规划 with your questions.

电子邮件: 礼物.planning@daralmaghreb.net




During the Celebrate 150 Campaign (2012-2018), more than 200 families made planned 礼物s to UNH, 10美元起,000到数百万美元, which have already started to have an impact on future generations. But the story of legacy goes back to the origins of UNH when Benjamin Thompson left his farm and other assets to establish what would ultimately become the Durham campus of the 澳门葡京网赌游戏.

The Thompson legacy has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives, and yours can, too.

作为遗产捐赠人, you'll become a member of the 汤普森的社会, a distinguished group of supporters who have documented planned 礼物s to UNH. The UNH Office of 礼物规划 will work with you to explore options that best meet your philanthropic goals and timeline--whether you wish to make an immediate impact, 用你的礼物创造收入, or make 礼物s through your will. 

We look forward to welcoming you to this prestigious membership of generous donors providing support to generations of Wildcats to come, and we are honored to work with you to 创造你的联合国大学遗产.