


The (603) Challenge, 主要研究's signature annual fundraiser, is celebrating a decade of 影响 this year. 在日历上做上标记,准备好庆祝吧! The 10th annual (603) Challenge is taking place from April 8th to April 12th, 你不会想错过它的. 开始行动吧... 阅读更多


  • 打电话的女人
    - 人对人
    几乎每个美国人都有一部手机, 根据最近的研究, but fewer and fewer of us use telephone calls as our main way of communicating. “我会给你打电话的”... 阅读更多
  • 勇敢、坚韧的变革者
    - 勇敢、坚韧的变革者
    21岁的Alex Papadakis称自己很幸运. During her time at 主要研究 she has been the recipient of several scholarships. 今年包括刘易斯家族的援助... 阅读更多
  • 不仅仅是一款游戏
    - 不仅仅是一款游戏
    Ralph Baer is considered the father of the modern video game; to honor his legacy, 他的宋, Mark, 帮助创立了Ralph H. 贝尔家族专利奖学金,支持... 阅读更多
  • 学生在厨房工作
    - 没有小的联系
    The Small Family 社区 Fellowship was recently established to provide opportunities for New Hampshire students to apply what they learn in the classroom to important needs at... 阅读更多
  • Dzijeme_Ntumi
    - 促进包容和公平
    今年夏天, Dzijeme Ntumi ' 17, ’18G served as the lead instructor and curriculum designer for an innovative new educational program that explores science, 技术, 工程... 阅读更多
  • 曼彻斯特的澳门葡京网赌游戏获得7美元,000 Grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation to Support Adult ESOL Literacy
    - 曼彻斯特的澳门葡京网赌游戏获得7美元,000 Grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation to Support Adult ESOL Literacy
    The Dollar General Literacy Foundation recently awarded The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 (主要研究) at Manchester a $7,为支援成人英语及其他语言人士而拨款... 阅读更多
  • 时刻铭记于心
    - 时刻铭记于心
    在他死于阿富汗十多年后, this soldier's story continues to inspire recipients of the scholarship in his name. 阅读更多
  • 通往职业的管道
    - 通往职业的管道
    Whenever Carl Hubbard ’21 boards a plane and sets off for the Bay Area to begin his job with Cisco Systems, 这将是他期待已久的新篇章的开始... 阅读更多
  • 导师的艺术
    - 导师的艺术
    Daniel Loomis Valenza is a woodworking artist whose work has been showcased in the Smithsonian, sold by Sotheby’s and included the 1969 groundbreaking exhibition of studio crafts... 阅读更多
  • 沉着、简洁和稳定的互联网连接
    - 沉着、简洁和稳定的互联网连接
    第二次, 澳门葡京网赌游戏 students took to Zoom to compete in the annual 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. 自2016年以来,每年春季在主要研究举行的300米比赛是... 阅读更多