
UNH alumni at international event in NYC, May 2016

的 校友 Association coordinates a variety of alumni groups, events and programs.  校友 interested in supporting 研究 abroad or international student and scholar programming can give back to the Global Education Center by endowing or contributing to student scholarships or, mentoring or offering student internships or assisting the Center on various other areas of critical importance.


May 2008: IA alumni in Washington DC

Study abroad alumni live in all 50 states and around the world, and UNH has graduated thousands of international students from over 100 countries.  的 first international student at UNH was from Bulgaria and graduated in 1886, the second in 1899 from Japan with a degree in Electrical Engineering.  从那时起, the international population has continued to grow, facilitating the establishment of OISS in 1954.  自1985年以来, students from UNH have studied abroad and have completed the International Affairs (IA) dual major or minor.  From the very beginning, there has been a strong effort to keep in touch with our UNH alumni.  We would love all of our alumni to stay connected with the Global Education Center by contributing an article to our 通讯 or submitting a profile to 中故事.  Another great way to keep your connection alive is by joining the 出国留学 and International Affairs alumni group 或者是 Office of International 学生 and 澳门葡京网赌游戏 alumni group 在LinkedIn.


  • 朱利安·桑多瓦尔市
    I am working as a Senior Design Engineer in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, most recently based in Abu Dhabi.  My degree at UNH is what got me here, because it is a topic that is not common in all places and is something so specialized that companies show a lot of interest when they hear about it. 
  • 托马凯特
    I graduated from the GEBCO program in 2014 with an Advanced Ocean Mapping Certificate. It is a unique program aimed at international students, and it's probably the best of its kind.
  • 艾米Vancamp
    As Academic Fieldwork Coordinator and member of the International Committee f或者是 Occupational 的rapy Department, I was awarded a Global Education Center faculty international development grant.
  • 托马斯·克罗尔
    Tanzania, United Republic of
    Meet International Alum, 托马斯·克罗尔! Tom is originally from Tanzania. He was a Mechanical Engineering student and graduated in 2015 with his Bachelor's degree. 在UNH的时候, Tom was fortunate to share many wonderful experiences with people from all over the world.
  • Ariel Pueyo Encinas
    Bolivia, Plurinational State of
    Meet international alum, Ariel Pueyo Encinas from Bolivia! Ariel graduated in May of 2016 earning a Bachelor of Arts in French, with a dual major in Political Science and International Affairs.